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Chair of Mathematics VI Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Physics

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year    2025   2024   2023   2022   2021    all years


Grüne, Lars; Pioch, Kilian; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Margaliot, Michael
Random attraction in TASEP with time-varying hopping rates
Bayreuth ; Tel Aviv, 2025. - 20 page
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2501.16777 ...


Straub, Christopher
Pulsating Galaxies
Bayreuth, 2024. - X, 310 page
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007639 ...
(dissertation, 2024, )

Pioch, Kilian; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Margaliot, Michael; Grüne, Lars
Model order reduction for the TASEP Master equation
in IFAC-PapersOnLine volume 58 (2024) issue 17. - page 109-114
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.10.122 ...
MTNS 2024, 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Cambridge, UK

Straub, Christopher
Numerical experiments on stationary, oscillating, and damped spherical galaxy models
in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena volume 470 (2024)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008225 ...

Katz, Rami; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Grüne, Lars; Margaliot, Michael
On the gain of entrainment in a class of weakly contractive bilinear control systems
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization volume 62 (2024) issue 5. - page 2723-2749
doi:10.1137/23M1585714 ...


Wolfschmidt, Sebastian
Stability and Oscillations of Star Clusters in General Relativity
Bayreuth, 2024. - XIV, 268 page
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007337 ...
(dissertation, 2023, )


Mazzuca, Guido; Grava, Tamara; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, Kenneth T.-R.; Mendl, Christian B.; Spohn, Herbert
Equilibrium Spacetime Correlations of the Toda Lattice on the Hydrodynamic Scale
in Journal of Statistical Physics volume 190 (2023)
doi:10.1007/s10955-023-03155-x ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ofir, Ron; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Grüne, Lars; Margaliot, Michael
On the gain of entrainment in the n-dimensional ribosome flow model
in Interface : Journal of the Royal Society volume 20 (2023) issue 199
doi:10.1098/rsif.2022.0763 ...


Kaiser, Ralf; Ramming, Tobias
Axisymmetric Solutions in the Geomagnetic Direction Problem
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis volume 243 (2022) issue 1. - page 329-399
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006033 ...


Frenkler, Joachim
How the Spirals in the Milky Way's ISM form
arXiv, 2022
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2203.08672 ...

Fleermann, Michael; Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Local semicircle law for Curie-Weiss type ensembles
in Electronic Journal of Probability volume 27 (2022)
doi:10.1214/22-ejp767 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Fleermann, Michael; Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
The almost sure semicircle law for random band matrices with dependent entries
in Stochastic Processes and their Applications volume 131 (2021) . - page 172-200
doi:10.1016/j.spa.2020.09.004 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Wu, Chengshuai; Grüne, Lars; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Margaliot, Michael
Behavior of totally positive differential systems near a periodic solution
Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
Austin, Texas, USA , 2021. - page 3160-3165
doi:10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683061 ...

Grüne, Lars; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Margaliot, Michael
Random attraction in the TASEP model
in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems volume 20 (2021) issue 1. - page 65-93
doi:10.1137/20M131446X ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Weber, Jörg
Weak solutions of the relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell system with external currents
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences volume 44 (2021) issue 6. - page 4770-4801
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005279 ...

Grava, T.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Mazzuca, G.; McLaughlin, K. D. T.-R.
Correlation functions for a chain of short range oscillators
in Journal of Statistical Physics volume 183 (2021)
doi:10.1007/s10955-021-02735-z ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Yakhshimuratov, A.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Babajanov, B.
On the construction and integration of a hierarchy for the Kaup system with a self-consistent s ...
in Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry volume 17 (2021) issue 2. - page 233-257
doi:10.15407/mag17.02.233 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Babadjanova, Aygul; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Urazboev, Gayrat
The periodic solutions of the discrete modified KdV equation with a self-consistent source
in Applied Mathematics and Computation volume 376 (2020)
doi:10.1016/j.amc.2020.125136 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Random matrices with exchangeable entries
in Reviews in Mathematical Physics volume 32 (2020) issue 7
doi:10.1142/S0129055X20500221 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
Approximately axisymmetric antidynamo theorems
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics volume 78 (2018) issue 6. - page 3188-3212
doi:10.1137/18M1173174 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venker, Martin
Edge statistics for a class of repulsive particle systems
in Probability Theory Related Fields volume 170 (2018) issue 3-4. - page 617-655
doi:10.1007/s00440-017-0765-1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Margaliot, Michael; Grüne, Lars; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Entrainment in the Master Equation
in Royal Society Open Science volume 5 (2018) issue 4
doi:10.1098/rsos.172157 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Optimal energy bounds in spherically symmetric α²-dynamos
in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics volume 76 (2018) issue 3. - page 437-461
doi:10.1090/qam/1501 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Semicircle law for generalized Curie-Weiss matrix ensembles at subcritical temperature
in Journal of Theoretical Probability volume 31 (2018) issue 4. - page 2446-2458
doi:10.1007/s10959-017-0768-y ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Sixty years of moments for random matrices
Non-linear partial differential equations, mathematical physics, and stochastic analysis
Zürich : European Mathematical Society, 2018. - page 349-379 . - (EMS Series of Congress Reports)
doi:10.4171/186-1/15 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Busse, Friedrich
On the robustness of the toroidal velocity theorem
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 111 (2017) issue 5. - page 355-368
doi:10.1080/03091929.2017.1346634 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Knopf, Patrik
Optimal control of a Vlasov-Poisson plasma by an external magnetic field
Bayreuth, 2017. - 115 page
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(dissertation, 2017, )


Eichelsbacher, Peter; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Schüler, Katharina
Precise deviations results for the maxima of some determinantal point processes : the upper tai ...
in Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications volume 12 (2016)
doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2016.093 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Schüler, Katharina; Schubert, Kristina; Venker, M.
Global asymptotics for the Christoffel-Darboux kernel of random matrix theory
in Markov Processes and Related Fields volume 21 (2015) issue 3. - page 639-694
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
A higher-order-decay result for the dynamo equation with an application to the toroidal velocit ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics volume 145 (2015) issue 3. - page 535-557
doi:10.1017/S0308210513000449 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Schüler, Katharina
Moderate, large, and superlarge Deviations for extremal Eigenvalues of unitarily invariant Ense ...
Bayreuth, 2015. - 102 page
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(dissertation, 2015, )


Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
The axisymmetric antidynamo theorem revisited
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics volume 74 (2014) issue 2. - page 571-597
doi:10.1137/130928376 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Schubert, Kristina
Spacings : an example for universality in random matrix theory
Random matrices and iterated random functions
Heidelberg : Springer, 2013. - page 45-71 . - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics; 53)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38806-4_3 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in the non-axisymmetric direction problem
in The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics volume 65 (2012) issue 3. - page 357-360
doi:10.1093/qjmam/hbs005 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
Well-posedness of the kinematic dynamo problem
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences volume 35 (2012) issue 11. - page 1241-1255
doi:10.1002/mma.2516 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, Hannes
Corrigendum : Well-posedness of some initial-boundary-value problems for dynamo-generated poloi ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics volume 141 (2011) issue 4. - page 819-824
doi:10.1017/S0308210510000028 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
The geomagnetic direction problem : the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional axisymmetric ...
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis volume 42 (2010) issue 2. - page 701-728
doi:10.1137/090753486 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Krug, Joachim
A pedestrian's view on interacting particle systems, KPZ universality and random matrices
in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical volume 43 (2010) issue 40
doi:10.1088/1751-8113/43/40/403001 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Wienholtz, Ernst; Kalf, Hubert; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Elliptische Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung : Eine Einführung mit historischen Bemerkun ...
Berlin : Springer, 2009. - XI, 401 page
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-45721-3 ...

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
On purely toroidal dynamo magnetic fields caused by conductivity variations
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 103 (2009) issue 6. - page 503-513
doi:10.1080/03091920903366311 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

von Wahl, Wolf
Remarks on lines of reversibility for Poincaré's centre problem
in Analysis volume 29 (2009) issue 3. - page 259-264
doi:10.1524/anly.2009.1037 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
A toroidal magnetic field theorem
in Communications in Mathematical Physics volume 290 (2009) issue 2. - page 633-649
doi:10.1007/s00220-009-0866-5 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, Hannes
Well-posedness of some initial-boundary-value problems for dynamo-generated poloidal magnetic f ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics volume 139 (2009) issue 6. - page 1209-1235
doi:10.1017/S0308210508000826 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Kuijlaars, A. B. J.; McLaughlin, K. D. T.-R.; Miller, Peter D.
Locating the zeros of partial sums of eᶻ with Riemann-Hilbert methods
Integrable systems and random matrices : in honor of Percy Deift
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, 2008. - page 183-195 . - (Contemporary Mathematics; 458)
doi:10.1090/conm/458/08936 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
On the inverse dynamo problem in a simplified mean-field model
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 102 (2008) issue 5. - page 477-487
doi:10.1080/03091920802095474 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


von Wahl, Wolf
On the differential equation ypₓ-xpᵧ=R for real analytic functions with unknown p
Bayreuth, 2007
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...


von Wahl, Wolf
Generation of Centres by Adding Higher Order Terms
Bayreuth, 2007
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...


Baik, Jinho; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Miller, Peter D.
Discrete orthogonal polynomials
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2007 . - (Annals of Mathematics Studies; 164)
doi:10.1515/9781400837137 ...

rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kerner, Hans; von Wahl, Wolf
Mathematik für Physiker. 2., überarb. und erw. Auflage
Berlin : Springer, 2007. - XII, 572 page
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-72480-3 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
The non-radial velocity theorem revisited
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 101 (2007) issue 3-4. - page 185-197
doi:10.1080/03091920701485453 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Deift, P.; Gioev, D.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Vanlessen, M.
Universality for orthogonal and symplectic Laguerre-type ensembles
in Journal of Statistical Physics volume 129 (2007) issue 5-6. - page 949-1053
doi:10.1007/s10955-007-9325-x ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Friedrich, Stefan
Globale Existenzaussagen über klassische Lösungen des Vlasov-Nordström-Systems
Bayreuth, Math. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2006(dissertation, 2006, )

Simader, Christian G.; von Wahl, Wolf
Introduction to the Cosserat problem
in Analysis volume 26 (2006) issue 1. - page 1-7
doi:10.1524/anly.2006.26.1.1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kerner, Hans; von Wahl, Wolf
Mathematik für Physiker
Berlin : Springer, 2006. - XII, 548 page

Kaiser, Ralf
On the geomagnetic direction problem : a nonexistence result
Proceedings "WASCOM 2005" 13th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media
Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific, 2006. - page 292-297
doi:10.1142/9789812773616_0039 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


von Wahl, Wolf
Analytic integrals and Poincaré's centre problem
in Analysis volume 25 (2005) issue 4. - page 275-279
doi:10.1524/anly.2005.25.4.275 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas; von Wahl, Wolf
A generalized energy functional for plane Couette flow
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis volume 37 (2005) issue 2. - page 438-454
doi:10.1137/S0036141004442604 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Mulone, G.
A note on nonlinear stability of plane parallel shear flows
in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications volume 302 (2005) issue 2. - page 543-556
doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2004.08.025 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
On the geomagnetic directional problem : a uniqueness result
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications volume 63 (2005) issue 5-7
doi:10.1016/j.na.2005.03.001 ...


Kaiser, Ralf; Neudert, Michael
A non-standard boundary value problem related to geomagnetism
in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics volume 62 (2004) issue 3. - page 423-457
doi:10.1090/qam/2086038 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, H.
Relaxed plasma-vacuum states in cylinders
in The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics volume 57 (2004) issue 1. - page 1-17
doi:10.1093/qjmam/57.1.1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Birner, Michel; Kaiser, Ralf
Stability balls in the rotating Bénard system
in Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics volume 6 (2004) issue 3. - page 311-364
doi:10.1007/s00021-003-0096-0 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
Extension of Taylor's principle to plasma-vacuum systems
in Astronomische Nachrichten volume 324 (2003) issue S3. - page 72

Xu, Lanxi; von Wahl, Wolf; Huang, Yongnian
A new approach to the nonlinear stability of a motionless heterogeneous fluid
in Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften volume 67 (2003) . - page 203-218
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baik, J.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. D. T.-R.; Miller, Peter D.
Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to a general class of discrete weig ...
in International Mathematics Research Notices (2003) issue 15. - page 821-858
doi:10.1155/S1073792803212125 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
On the generalized energy method for channel flows
Proceedings "WASCOM 2001" 11th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media
River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, 2002. - page 259-270
doi:10.1142/9789812777331_0033 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Georgieva, Anna; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
1:2 resonance mediated second harmonic generation in a 1-D nonlinear discrete periodic medium
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics volume 61 (2001) issue 5. - page 1802-1815
doi:10.1137/S0036139999365341 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Neudert, Michael; von Wahl, Wolf
Asymptotic behaviour of the div-curl problem in exterior domains
in Advances in Differential Equations volume 6 (2001) issue 11. - page 1347-1376
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Schmitt, Burkhard J.
Bounds on the energy stability limit of plane parallel shear flows
in Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik volume 52 (2001) issue 4. - page 573-596
doi:10.1007/PL00001562 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Remling, Christian
Finite gap potentials and WKB asymptotics for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators
in Communications in Mathematical Physics volume 223 (2001) issue 2. - page 409-435
doi:10.1007/s002200100550 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Xu, Lanxi; Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf
Global stability in the rotating Bénard system with Couette flow, the case Pr<
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications volume 47 (2001) issue 6. - page 4233-4244
doi:10.1016/S0362-546X(01)00539-9 ...
Third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA 2000, Catania, Sicily, Italy
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Invisible mean field dynamos
in Physical Review E volume 63 (2001) issue 3
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.63.037301 ...

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Marklof, Jens; Soshnikov, Alexander
Random matrices and quantum chaos
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America volume 98 (2001) issue 19. - page 10531-10532
doi:10.1073/pnas.191366198 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Spies, G. O.; Lortz, D.; Kaiser, Ralf
Relaxed plasma-vacuum systems
in Physics of Plasmas volume 8 (2001) issue 8. - page 3652-3663
doi:10.1063/1.1383286 ...

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Venakides, S.; Zhou, X.
A Riemann-Hilbert approach to asymptotic questions for orthogonal polynomials
in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics volume 133 (2001) issue 1-2. - page 47-63
doi:10.1016/S0377-0427(00)00634-8 ...
5th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and their Applications, Patras, Greece
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Neudert, Michael; von Wahl, Wolf
On the global existence of Euler's multiplier
Bayreuth, 2000
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Neudert, M.; von Wahl, Wolf
On the existence of force-free magnetic fields with small nonconstant α in exterior domains
in Communications in Mathematical Physics volume 211 (2000) issue 1. - page 111-136
doi:10.1007/s002200050804 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Xu, Lanxi; von Wahl, Wolf
On the nonlinear stability of plane parallel convective shear flows of a heterogeneous fluid
Advances in fluid dynamics
Roma : Aracne, 2000. - page 271-287 . - (Quaderni di Matematica; 4)


Birner, Michael
Stabilitätskugeln beim rotierenden Bénard-System mit der Methode der linearisierten Stabilität ...
2000. - 110 page
(dissertation, 2000, )

Georgieva, Anna; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
Wave propagation and resonance in a one-dimensional nonlinear discrete periodic medium
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics volume 60 (2000) issue 1. - page 272-294
doi:10.1137/S0036139998340315 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kagei, Yoshiyuki; von Wahl, Wolf
Asymptotic stability of steady flows in infinite layers of viscous incompressible fluids in cri ...
in Indiana University Mathematics Journal volume 48 (1999) issue 3. - page 1083-1110
doi:10.1512/iumj.1999.48.1613 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

von Wahl, Wolf
Functional calculus for unbounded operators by integration over the positive real axis : Applic ...
Topics in nonlinear analysis : The Herbert Amann Anniversary Volume
Basel : Birkhäuser, 1999. - page 731-744 . - (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications; 35)
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kagei, Y.; Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf; Xu, L. X.
Global Stability in Some Dissipative Systems
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 79 (1999) issue S1. - page 159-162
doi:10.1002/zamm.19990791342 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Kinematic dynamos surrounded by a stationary conductor
in Physical Review E volume 60 (1999) issue 3. - page 2949-2952
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.60.2949 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
On Vainshtein's dynamo conjecture
in Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences volume 455 (1999) issue 1988. - page 3139-3162
doi:10.1098/rspa.1999.0444 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Venakides, S.; Zhou, X.
Strong asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to exponential weights
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 52 (1999) issue 12. - page 1491-1552
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/%2 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.
Strong asymptotics of polynomials orthogonal with respect to Freud weights
in International Mathematics Research Notices (1999) issue 6. - page 299-333
doi:10.1155/S1073792899000161 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Birner, M.; Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf; Xu, L.
Two methods to compute stability balls in the rotating Bénard system, a comparison
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 79 (1999)

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Venakides, S.; Zhou, X.
Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights and ...
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 52 (1999) issue 11. - page 1335-1425
doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0312(199911)52:11<1335::AID ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Neudert, Michael
Asymptotisches Verhalten beim Neumannschen Problem für inhomogen harmonische Vektorfelder und k ...
(dissertation, 1998, )

Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Estimates on Green's functions of quasi-periodic matrix operators and a new version of the coup ...
in International Mathematics Research Notices (1998) issue 17. - page 907-935
doi:10.1155/S1073792898000555 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Schmitt, Burkhard J.; von Wahl, Wolf
Mean values and non-periodic pressure in convection problems between plates or with stress-free ...
in Pacific Journal of Mathematics volume 185 (1998) issue 2. - page 347-362
doi:10.2140/pjm.1998.185.347 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.
New results for the asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials and related problems via the Lax-Leve ...
Recent advances in partial differential equations : Venice 1996 ; proceedings of a conference in honor of the 70th birthdays of Peter D. Lax and Louis Nirenberg
Providence, R.I. : American Math. Soc., 1998. - page 87-104 . - (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics; 54)
doi:10.1090/psapm/054/1492693 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.
New results on the equilibrium measure for logarithmic potentials in the presence of an externa ...
in Journal of Approximation Theory volume 95 (1998) issue 3. - page 388-475
doi:10.1006/jath.1997.3229 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Xu, L. X.
Nonlinear stability of the rotating Bénard problem, the case Pr=1
in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA volume 5 (1998) issue 3. - page 283-307
doi:10.1007/s000300050047 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
On the uniqueness of the MHD ball lightning solution
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 78 (1998) issue S3. - page 959-960
doi:10.1002/zamm.19980781550 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf
Stability of plane parallel shear flow in a rotating layer heated from below
in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations volume 6 (1998) issue 3. - page 227-262
doi:10.1007/s005260050090 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Scarpellini, B.; von Wahl, Wolf
Stability properties of the Boussinesq equations
in Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik volume 49 (1998) issue 2. - page 294-321
doi:10.1007/s000330050220 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Venakides, S.; Zhou, X.
Uniform asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Vol. III
Bielefeld : Fak. für Mathematik, 1998. - page 491-501
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Brown, B. Malcolm; Eastham, Michael S. P.; Hinz, Andreas M.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McCormack, Daniel K. R.; Schmidt, Karl Michael
Welsh eigenvalues of radially periodic Schrödinger operators
in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications volume 225 (1998) issue 1. - page 347-357
doi:10.1006/jmaa.1998.6048 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Venakides, S.; Zhou, X.
Asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights
in International Mathematics Research Notices (1997) issue 16. - page 759-782
doi:10.1155/S1073792897000500 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Hempel, Rainer; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Plankensteiner, Peter
Discrete and Cantor spectrum for Neumann Laplacians of combs
in Mathematische Nachrichten volume 188 (1997) issue 1. - page 141-168
doi:10.1002/mana.19971880109 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kagei, Yoshiyuki; von Wahl, Wolf
The Eckhaus criterion for convection roll solutions of the Oberbeck-Boussinesq equations
in International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics volume 32 (1997) issue 3. - page 563-620
doi:10.1016/S0020-7462(97)88306-0 ...

Bolik, Jürgen; von Wahl, Wolf
Estimating ∇u in terms of div u, curl u, either (ν,u) or ν×u and the topology
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences volume 20 (1997) issue 9. - page 737-744
doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-1476(199706)20:9<737::AID-M ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.
New classes of three-dimensional ideal-MHD equilibria
in Journal of Plasma Physics volume 57 (1997) issue 2. - page 425-448
doi:10.1017/S0022377896004862 ...


Xu, Lanxi
On the nonlinear stability of some hydrodynamic problems
(dissertation, 1997, )

Grunau, Hans-Christoph; von Wahl, Wolf
Regularity considerations for semilinear parabolic systems
in Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Università di Trieste volume 28 Suppl. (1997) . - page 221-233
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

von Wahl, Wolf
Stability in Hydrodynamics
Analysis-Seminar SS 1994 - WS 1995/96
Bonn , 1997. - page 127-142 . - (Vorlesungsreihe / Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Sonderforschungsbereich 256, Nichtlineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen; 40)


Zimmer, Thomas Uwe
Theorie und Numerik einer degenerierten parabolischen Gleichung
(dissertation, 1997, )

Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf; Xu, L. X.
Unconditional stability up to criticality in the rotating Bénard system with superimposed Couet ...
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 77 (1997) issue S1


Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.
Analytic Three-Dimensional Solutions of the Magnetohydrostatic Equations with Twisted Field Lin ...
in Physical Review Letters volume 77 (1996) issue 15. - page 3133-3136
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.3133 ...

Kagei, Yoshiyuki; von Wahl, Wolf
Asymptotic stability of higher order norms in terms of asymptotic energy stability for viscous ...
in Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics volume 13 (1996) issue 1. - page 33-49
doi:10.1007/BF03167297 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
Forced lattice vibrations
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Nonlinear Physics, Theory and Experiment
Singapore : World Scientific, 1996. - page 377-389
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf
A new functional for the Taylor-Couette problem in the small-gap limit
Mathematical theory in fluid mechanics
Harlow, Essex : Longman, 1996. - page 114-134 . - (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 354)
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
Note on the scalar dynamo model
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 82 (1996) issue 1-2. - page 125-135
doi:10.1080/03091929608213632 ...

Deift, Percy; Kamvissis, Spyridon; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Zhou, Xin
The Toda rarefaction problem
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 49 (1996) issue 1. - page 35-83
doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0312(199601)49:1<35::AID-CP ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Bolik, Jürgen
Zur Lösung potentialtheoretischer Randwertprobleme : A-priori-Abschätzungen und Zerlegungssätze ...
1996. - 117 page
(dissertation, 1996, )


Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.
Ball lightning as an example of a magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium
in Physical Review E volume 52 (1995) issue 3. - page 3034-3044
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.52.3034 ...

Deift, Percy; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
Forced lattice vibrations. Part I
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 48 (1995) issue 11. - page 1187-1249
doi:10.1002/cpa.3160481102 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Deift, Percy; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
Forced lattice vibrations. Part II
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 48 (1995) issue 11. - page 1251-1298
doi:10.1002/cpa.3160481103 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.; Tataronis, J. A.
On the existence of toroidal magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with poloidally closed magnetic fie ...
in Physics of Plasmas volume 2 (1995) issue 5. - page 1599-1604
doi:10.1063/1.871309 ...

Deuring, Paul; von Wahl, Wolf
Strong solutions of the Navier-Stokes system in Lipschitz bounded domains
in Mathematische Nachrichten volume 171 (1995) issue 1. - page 111-148
doi:10.1002/mana.19951710108 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Salat, A.; Kaiser, Ralf
Three‐dimensional closed field line magnetohydrodynamic equilibria without symmetries
in Physics of Plasmas volume 2 (1995) issue 10. - page 3777-3781
doi:10.1063/1.871077 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
Towards a poloidal magnetic field theorem
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 80 (1995) issue 1-2. - page 129-144
doi:10.1080/03091929508229767 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Schmitt, Burkhard J.
Abschätzungen für die Poloidal-Toroidal-Zerlegung : Rein toroidale Lösungen der kinematischen D ...
1994. - 111 page
(dissertation, 1995, )


Küfner, Konrad H. W.
Invariante Gebiete für stark gekoppelte quasilineare parabolische Systeme in Divergenzform und ...
(dissertation, 1994, )

Kaiser, Ralf
MHD equilibria with cusped plasma-vacuum interfaces
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 74 (1994) issue 7. - page 257-264
doi:10.1002/zamm.19940740708 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

von Wahl, Wolf
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of flows of incompressible viscous fluids
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis volume 126 (1994) issue 2. - page 103-129
doi:10.1007/BF00391555 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

von Wahl, Wolf
On a problem from thermal convection
Evolution equations, control theory, and biomathematics : proceedings of the Han-sur-Lesse Conference
New York : Dekker, 1994. - page 577-580 . - (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics; 155)
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Schmitt, Burkhard J.; Busse, Friedrich
On the invisible dynamo
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 77 (1994) issue 1. - page 91-109
doi:10.1080/03091929408203677 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
On three-dimensional toroidal surface current equilibria with rational rotational transform
in Physics of Plasmas volume 1 (1994) issue 8. - page 2693-2699
doi:10.1063/1.870596 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grunau, Hans-Christoph; von Wahl, Wolf
Regularity of weak solutions of semilinear parabolic systems of arbitrary order
in Journal d'Analyse Mathematique volume 62 (1994) . - page 307-322
doi:10.1007/BF02835960 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kagei, Yoshiyuki; von Wahl, Wolf
Stability of higher norms in terms of energy-stability for the Boussinesq equations : remarks o ...
in Differential and Integral Equations volume 7 (1994) issue 3-4. - page 921-948
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.
Surface current equilibria from a geometric point of view
in Physics of Plasmas volume 1 (1994) issue 2. - page 281-295
doi:10.1063/1.870830 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Forced lattice vibrations
Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest Diss. Publ., 1993. - 159 page
http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88 ...
(dissertation, 1993, )

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Schmitt, Burkhard J.; von Wahl, Wolf
Monotonicity and boundedness in the Boussinesq-equations
in European Journal of Mechanics B : Fluids volume 12 (1993) issue 2. - page 245-270
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.
On the existence of plasma corners
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 73 (1993) issue 3. - page 165-171
doi:10.1002/zamm.19930730310 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
Resistive ballooning modes in W7-AS and W7-X
in Nuclear Fusion volume 33 (1993) issue 9. - page 1281-1291
doi:10.1088/0029-5515/33/9/I03 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tasso, H.
Three‐dimensional toroidal magnetohydrodynamics equilibria with "canal" surface currents
in Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics volume 5 (1993) issue 3. - page 1030-1031
doi:10.1063/1.860506 ...


von Wahl, Wolf
The Boussinesq-equations in terms of poloidal and toroidal fields and the mean flow
in Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften volume 40 (1992) . - page 203-290
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


von Wahl, Wolf
The Boussinesq-Equations in Terms of Poloidal and Toroidal Fields and the Mean Flow
Bayreuth, 1992

von Wahl, Wolf
The continuity or stability method for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations and systems
in Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico volume 62 (1992) issue 1. - page 157-183
doi:10.1007/BF02925442 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Schmitt, Burkhard J.; von Wahl, Wolf
Decomposition of solenoidal fields into poloidal fields, toroidal fields and the mean flow : Ap ...
The Navier-Stokes equations II : theory and numerical methods
Berlin : Springer, 1992. - page 291-305 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 1530)
doi:10.1007/BFb0090349 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

von Wahl, Wolf
Estimating ∇u by div u and curl u
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences volume 15 (1992) issue 2. - page 123-143
doi:10.1002/mma.1670150206 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.; Spies, G. O.
Plasma corners. I. Constant toroidal current density
in Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics volume 4 (1992) issue 3. - page 529-534
doi:10.1063/1.860251 ...

Lunardi, Alessandra; Sinestrari, Eugenio; von Wahl, Wolf
A semigroup approach to the time dependent parabolic initial-boundary value problem
in Differential and Integral Equations volume 5 (1992) issue 6. - page 1275-1306
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
The parabola as an equilibrium plasma-vacuum interface
in Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A volume 46 (1991) . - page 469-472
http://zfn.mpdl.mpg.de/data/Reihe_A/46/ZNA-1991-46 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
Resistive Ballooning Modes in W7-X
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Wendelstein 7-X
Garching bei München : Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 1991. - page 76-81


von Wahl, Wolf
Abschätzungen für das Neumann-Problem und die Helmholtz-Zerlegung von Lᵖ
in Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen II. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse (1990) issue 2. - page 9-29
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...

Blask, W. H.; Furui, S.; Kaiser, Ralf; Metsch, B. C.; Huber, M. G.
A study of meson-baryon couplings in the constituent quark model
in Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and nuclei volume 337 (1990) issue 4. - page 451-463
doi:10.1007/BF01294983 ...


Marquard, U.; Kaiser, Ralf; Scholl, M.
Lorentz algebra and critical dimension for the supermembrane
in Physics Letters B volume 227 (1989) issue 2. - page 234-238
doi:10.1016/S0370-2693(89)80028-0 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Altevogt, P.; Kaiser, Ralf
Supersymmetric gauge anomalies in 2,4,6, and 10 dimensions
in Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields volume 43 (1989) issue 3. - page 455-468
doi:10.1007/BF01506542 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Altevogt, P.; Kaiser, Ralf
The ten-dimensional supersymmetric gauge anomaly
in Physics Letters B volume 219 (1989) issue 4. - page 464-468
doi:10.1016/0370-2693(89)91095-2 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
Supersymmetric gauge anomalies in 2 and 4 dimensions from generalized descent-equations
in Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields volume 39 (1988) issue 4. - page 585-589
doi:10.1007/BF01555992 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Weidemaier, Peter
Über lokale und globale Existenz klassischer Lösungen für Randwertprobleme quasilinearer hyperb ...
1985. - V, 49 page
(dissertation, 1985, )


von Wahl, Wolf
The equations of Navier-Stokes and abstract parabolic equations
Wiesbaden : Vieweg + Teubner, 1985. - XXIV, 264 page . - (Aspects of Mathematics; E 8)
doi:10.1007/978-3-663-13911-9 ...

rev.: AMS MatSciNet
rev.: Giga, Yoshikazu, In: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society N.S., 19, 1, 1988, S. 337-340


Jawad, Salih
Die klassisch-reguläre Lösbarkeit des Rand-Anfangswertproblems nichtlinearer Wellengleichungen ...
1985. - 90 page
(dissertation, 1985, )


Goebel, Ralf
Über die Existenz klassischer Lösungen semilinearer parabolischer Differentialgleichungen höher ...
1982. - X, 68 page
(dissertation, , )


von Wahl, Wolf
Einige Bemerkungen zu meiner Arbeit "Gebrochene Potenzen eines elliptischen Operators und parab ...
in Manuscripta Mathematica volume 11 (1974) . - page 199-201
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...


von Wahl, Wolf
Gebrochene Potenzen eines elliptischen Operators und parabolische Differentialgleichungen in Rä ...
in Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen II. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse (1972) issue 11. - page 231-258
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


von Wahl, Wolf
Lᵖ-Decay rates for homogeneous wave-equations
in Mathematische Zeitschrift volume 120 (1971) issue 2. - page 93-106
doi:10.1007/BF01110149 ...

von Wahl, Wolf
Ein einfacher Beweis für die Stetigkeit von D²ᵐu bei parabolischen Systemen dₜu+Au=f der Ordnun ...

von Wahl, Wolf
Remarks on Lines of Reversibility for Poincaré's Centre Problem

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