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Team > PD. Dr. Ralf Kaiser

PD. Dr. Ralf Kaiser PD. Dr. Ralf Kaiser
PD. Dr. Ralf Kaiser

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Mathematisches Institut


  • Hydrodynamic Stability
  • Dynamotheory
  • Ideal MagnetoHydroDynamic Equilibria


PD. Dr. Ralf Kaiser

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Mathematisches Institut



Kaiser, Ralf; Ramming, Tobias
Axisymmetric Solutions in the Geomagnetic Direction Problem
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis volume 243 (2022) issue 1. - page 329-399
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006033 ...


Kaiser, Ralf
Approximately axisymmetric antidynamo theorems
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics volume 78 (2018) issue 6. - page 3188-3212
doi:10.1137/18M1173174 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Optimal energy bounds in spherically symmetric α²-dynamos
in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics volume 76 (2018) issue 3. - page 437-461
doi:10.1090/qam/1501 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Busse, Friedrich
On the robustness of the toroidal velocity theorem
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 111 (2017) issue 5. - page 355-368
doi:10.1080/03091929.2017.1346634 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
A higher-order-decay result for the dynamo equation with an application to the toroidal velocit ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics volume 145 (2015) issue 3. - page 535-557
doi:10.1017/S0308210513000449 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
The axisymmetric antidynamo theorem revisited
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics volume 74 (2014) issue 2. - page 571-597
doi:10.1137/130928376 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in the non-axisymmetric direction problem
in The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics volume 65 (2012) issue 3. - page 357-360
doi:10.1093/qjmam/hbs005 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
Well-posedness of the kinematic dynamo problem
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences volume 35 (2012) issue 11. - page 1241-1255
doi:10.1002/mma.2516 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, Hannes
Corrigendum : Well-posedness of some initial-boundary-value problems for dynamo-generated poloi ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics volume 141 (2011) issue 4. - page 819-824
doi:10.1017/S0308210510000028 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
The geomagnetic direction problem : the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional axisymmetric ...
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis volume 42 (2010) issue 2. - page 701-728
doi:10.1137/090753486 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
On purely toroidal dynamo magnetic fields caused by conductivity variations
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 103 (2009) issue 6. - page 503-513
doi:10.1080/03091920903366311 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
A toroidal magnetic field theorem
in Communications in Mathematical Physics volume 290 (2009) issue 2. - page 633-649
doi:10.1007/s00220-009-0866-5 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, Hannes
Well-posedness of some initial-boundary-value problems for dynamo-generated poloidal magnetic f ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics volume 139 (2009) issue 6. - page 1209-1235
doi:10.1017/S0308210508000826 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
On the inverse dynamo problem in a simplified mean-field model
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 102 (2008) issue 5. - page 477-487
doi:10.1080/03091920802095474 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
The non-radial velocity theorem revisited
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 101 (2007) issue 3-4. - page 185-197
doi:10.1080/03091920701485453 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
On the geomagnetic direction problem : a nonexistence result
Proceedings "WASCOM 2005" 13th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media
Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific, 2006. - page 292-297
doi:10.1142/9789812773616_0039 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas; von Wahl, Wolf
A generalized energy functional for plane Couette flow
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis volume 37 (2005) issue 2. - page 438-454
doi:10.1137/S0036141004442604 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Mulone, G.
A note on nonlinear stability of plane parallel shear flows
in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications volume 302 (2005) issue 2. - page 543-556
doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2004.08.025 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
On the geomagnetic directional problem : a uniqueness result
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications volume 63 (2005) issue 5-7
doi:10.1016/j.na.2005.03.001 ...


Kaiser, Ralf; Neudert, Michael
A non-standard boundary value problem related to geomagnetism
in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics volume 62 (2004) issue 3. - page 423-457
doi:10.1090/qam/2086038 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, H.
Relaxed plasma-vacuum states in cylinders
in The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics volume 57 (2004) issue 1. - page 1-17
doi:10.1093/qjmam/57.1.1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Birner, Michel; Kaiser, Ralf
Stability balls in the rotating Bénard system
in Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics volume 6 (2004) issue 3. - page 311-364
doi:10.1007/s00021-003-0096-0 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
Extension of Taylor's principle to plasma-vacuum systems
in Astronomische Nachrichten volume 324 (2003) issue S3. - page 72


Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
On the generalized energy method for channel flows
Proceedings "WASCOM 2001" 11th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media
River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, 2002. - page 259-270
doi:10.1142/9789812777331_0033 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Schmitt, Burkhard J.
Bounds on the energy stability limit of plane parallel shear flows
in Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik volume 52 (2001) issue 4. - page 573-596
doi:10.1007/PL00001562 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Xu, Lanxi; Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf
Global stability in the rotating Bénard system with Couette flow, the case Pr<
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications volume 47 (2001) issue 6. - page 4233-4244
doi:10.1016/S0362-546X(01)00539-9 ...
Third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA 2000, Catania, Sicily, Italy
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Invisible mean field dynamos
in Physical Review E volume 63 (2001) issue 3
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.63.037301 ...

Spies, G. O.; Lortz, D.; Kaiser, Ralf
Relaxed plasma-vacuum systems
in Physics of Plasmas volume 8 (2001) issue 8. - page 3652-3663
doi:10.1063/1.1383286 ...


Kaiser, Ralf; Neudert, M.; von Wahl, Wolf
On the existence of force-free magnetic fields with small nonconstant α in exterior domains
in Communications in Mathematical Physics volume 211 (2000) issue 1. - page 111-136
doi:10.1007/s002200050804 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kagei, Y.; Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf; Xu, L. X.
Global Stability in Some Dissipative Systems
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 79 (1999) issue S1. - page 159-162
doi:10.1002/zamm.19990791342 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Kinematic dynamos surrounded by a stationary conductor
in Physical Review E volume 60 (1999) issue 3. - page 2949-2952
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.60.2949 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
On Vainshtein's dynamo conjecture
in Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences volume 455 (1999) issue 1988. - page 3139-3162
doi:10.1098/rspa.1999.0444 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Birner, M.; Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf; Xu, L.
Two methods to compute stability balls in the rotating Bénard system, a comparison
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 79 (1999)


Kaiser, Ralf; Xu, L. X.
Nonlinear stability of the rotating Bénard problem, the case Pr=1
in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA volume 5 (1998) issue 3. - page 283-307
doi:10.1007/s000300050047 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
On the uniqueness of the MHD ball lightning solution
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 78 (1998) issue S3. - page 959-960
doi:10.1002/zamm.19980781550 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf
Stability of plane parallel shear flow in a rotating layer heated from below
in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations volume 6 (1998) issue 3. - page 227-262
doi:10.1007/s005260050090 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.
New classes of three-dimensional ideal-MHD equilibria
in Journal of Plasma Physics volume 57 (1997) issue 2. - page 425-448
doi:10.1017/S0022377896004862 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf; Xu, L. X.
Unconditional stability up to criticality in the rotating Bénard system with superimposed Couet ...
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 77 (1997) issue S1


Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.
Analytic Three-Dimensional Solutions of the Magnetohydrostatic Equations with Twisted Field Lin ...
in Physical Review Letters volume 77 (1996) issue 15. - page 3133-3136
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.3133 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf
A new functional for the Taylor-Couette problem in the small-gap limit
Mathematical theory in fluid mechanics
Harlow, Essex : Longman, 1996. - page 114-134 . - (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 354)
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
Note on the scalar dynamo model
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 82 (1996) issue 1-2. - page 125-135
doi:10.1080/03091929608213632 ...


Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.
Ball lightning as an example of a magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium
in Physical Review E volume 52 (1995) issue 3. - page 3034-3044
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.52.3034 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.; Tataronis, J. A.
On the existence of toroidal magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with poloidally closed magnetic fie ...
in Physics of Plasmas volume 2 (1995) issue 5. - page 1599-1604
doi:10.1063/1.871309 ...

Salat, A.; Kaiser, Ralf
Three‐dimensional closed field line magnetohydrodynamic equilibria without symmetries
in Physics of Plasmas volume 2 (1995) issue 10. - page 3777-3781
doi:10.1063/1.871077 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
Towards a poloidal magnetic field theorem
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 80 (1995) issue 1-2. - page 129-144
doi:10.1080/03091929508229767 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
MHD equilibria with cusped plasma-vacuum interfaces
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 74 (1994) issue 7. - page 257-264
doi:10.1002/zamm.19940740708 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Schmitt, Burkhard J.; Busse, Friedrich
On the invisible dynamo
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 77 (1994) issue 1. - page 91-109
doi:10.1080/03091929408203677 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
On three-dimensional toroidal surface current equilibria with rational rotational transform
in Physics of Plasmas volume 1 (1994) issue 8. - page 2693-2699
doi:10.1063/1.870596 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.
Surface current equilibria from a geometric point of view
in Physics of Plasmas volume 1 (1994) issue 2. - page 281-295
doi:10.1063/1.870830 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.
On the existence of plasma corners
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik volume 73 (1993) issue 3. - page 165-171
doi:10.1002/zamm.19930730310 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
Resistive ballooning modes in W7-AS and W7-X
in Nuclear Fusion volume 33 (1993) issue 9. - page 1281-1291
doi:10.1088/0029-5515/33/9/I03 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tasso, H.
Three‐dimensional toroidal magnetohydrodynamics equilibria with "canal" surface currents
in Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics volume 5 (1993) issue 3. - page 1030-1031
doi:10.1063/1.860506 ...


Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.; Spies, G. O.
Plasma corners. I. Constant toroidal current density
in Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics volume 4 (1992) issue 3. - page 529-534
doi:10.1063/1.860251 ...


Kaiser, Ralf
The parabola as an equilibrium plasma-vacuum interface
in Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A volume 46 (1991) . - page 469-472
http://zfn.mpdl.mpg.de/data/Reihe_A/46/ZNA-1991-46 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
Resistive Ballooning Modes in W7-X
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Wendelstein 7-X
Garching bei München : Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 1991. - page 76-81


Blask, W. H.; Furui, S.; Kaiser, Ralf; Metsch, B. C.; Huber, M. G.
A study of meson-baryon couplings in the constituent quark model
in Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and nuclei volume 337 (1990) issue 4. - page 451-463
doi:10.1007/BF01294983 ...


Marquard, U.; Kaiser, Ralf; Scholl, M.
Lorentz algebra and critical dimension for the supermembrane
in Physics Letters B volume 227 (1989) issue 2. - page 234-238
doi:10.1016/S0370-2693(89)80028-0 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Altevogt, P.; Kaiser, Ralf
Supersymmetric gauge anomalies in 2,4,6, and 10 dimensions
in Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields volume 43 (1989) issue 3. - page 455-468
doi:10.1007/BF01506542 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Altevogt, P.; Kaiser, Ralf
The ten-dimensional supersymmetric gauge anomaly
in Physics Letters B volume 219 (1989) issue 4. - page 464-468
doi:10.1016/0370-2693(89)91095-2 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet


Kaiser, Ralf
Supersymmetric gauge anomalies in 2 and 4 dimensions from generalized descent-equations
in Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields volume 39 (1988) issue 4. - page 585-589
doi:10.1007/BF01555992 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

PD. Dr. Ralf Kaiser

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Mathematisches Institut

PD. Dr. Ralf Kaiser

Chair of Mathematics VI
Building NW II
Universität Bayreuth    
95440 Bayreuth   

Phone: 0921/55-3370
E-mail: Ralf.Kaiser@uni-bayreuth.de

Office hours by appointment

Webmaster: Dr.rer.nat. Ralf Kaiser

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